West Dorset Wilding is raising £40,000 to support its work to reverse biodiversity loss in the Brit catchment
West Dorset Wilding is a small charity set up by farmers and landowners in 2021 to reverse the loss of biodiversity and habitats in West Dorset, starting with the wider Brit catchment.
We have a vision of our countryside teeming with insects, birds, mammals, amphibians and reptiles, living in wonderfully diverse species-rich grasslands, native woodlands and wetlands, and accessible for local people to see and enjoy.
There have been too many local extinctions, including Lapwing, Snipe, Grey Partridge and Cirl Bunting, so now is the time to act, and we are doing this, but we need your help. We have recently brought together 53 landholders covering nearly 8,000 acres in ambitious, multi-generational project for meaningful and lasting recovery of nature - the Brit Catchment Recovery Project.
This project aims to restore nature to our local fields, rivers, hedgerows and woodlands through an increase in the diversity and abundance of key indicator species, such as birds, bats and butterflies, as well as improving the condition of all of our rivers to the highest quality level.
We expect that our main project costs will be covered eventually by grants from Defra, other public bodies, private trusts & foundations and corporates, and we have recently submitted a Government Landscape Recovery application to cover the next stage of this work.
But while public bodies and private trusts often provide money for projects, it is much harder to raise money for core costs such as staff time and other administrative costs - without which none of our work can happen.
We are therefore launching a campaign to raise £40,000 to support the core costs of the charity for one year.
£40,000 a year will cover the costs of two part-time staff, alongside minimal administrative expenses, and will enable us to work on development of the Brit Catchment Recovery Project alongside additional public engagement, education work and fundraising activities.
We very much hope that you will be able to support us in some way to meet our target and maintain momentum. Please use the links on this page to make a contribution, and please include Gift Aid if you qualify.
Thank you for your support.
The Trustees and Members of West Dorset Wilding
For more information on West Dorset Wilding, please see westdorsetwilding.org. To get in touch please email info@westdorsetwilding.org.
Charity number 1196964
Wood pasture landscape in the project area