TZVETNIK is an independent blog that was created by two enthusiasts in 2016 in Moscow. In Russian, TZVETNIK means ‘Garden full of flowers’, and we wanted as many flowers to flourish in our garden as possible. When we created it, we still didn’t know what it would grow into. We were simply driven by love for contemporary art and a desire to make our own contribution to its development. Since the launch of the project, we have published over 1600 exhibitions from around the world, have shown projects from more than 200 cities and 50 countries and learned that our channel is important and needed by thousands of people. Every day we receive dozens of letters, not only with new beautiful projects, but also with feedback and words of gratitude, and that is what supports and inspires us.
From the very beginning, we set ourselves the task of giving a voice to young, emerging artists, because it is them who make the most exciting and important things happen. The newest art is born in that community, for which, due to its youth and experimental character of its product, it is sometimes difficult to receive the proper exposure. We want TZVETNIK to be and remain the effective voice of the latest trends in contemporary culture, and we want young, daring authors to always receive support and attention of TZVETNIK.
In 2017, we started doing interviews with prominent representatives of the artistic community, having developed our own format for this. In these conversations, we try to learn as much as possible about what underlies the creative method of an artist, with what eyes the artist looks at life and his or her work. Our plans are to continue to actively work under these interviews, thereby creating the landscape of contemporary art. We also write theoretical articles based on the generation of the brightest emerging artists of their time.
In 2020, we have launched a new TZVETNIK, which is to present new formats, i.e. texts from young philosophers and theorists of culture and art along with special interdisciplinary projects. We want to grow with our community. The community is what we believe in, what gives us strength, and what has enough power to make a difference. The community is always about mutual support, sharing energy and inspiration. We make our own contribution to the growth and development of contemporary art, and we ask you to support us so that our work does not stop, and we continue to remain independent.
The funds that you share with us will cover the costs for authors of publications, as well as technical and software support for the website. We believe that there are lots of us, and if each of you makes a little input, it will be a significant contribution to TZVETNIK.
Thank you!