Donate To Transparent By Faith Ministries

TBF is a Kingdom Focus Ministry equipping disciples of all nationalities to be transparent by faith in loving God, In loving one another, in sharing Jesus and making disciples all over the world.

Our vision is to develop a transforming ministry outside of the four walls that will become a safe place for the hurting, the depressed, the frustrated and the confused. We want to create a safe place for everyone and anyone to be loved and accepted.

Our vision is to welcome 20,000 members into the fellowship of our ministry family. Through bible studies, small groups, seminars, and retreats to help develop a spiritual maturity while discovering the gifts and talents God has given to them.

Our vision in the next five years is to send equipped missionaries out into the world for short term mission projects that will include the planting of new Kingdom Focus Ministries.

We are working to own fifty acres of land where we will build a regional church for Troup County that will include a worship center seating one thousand, a counseling and prayer center, a family resource center, and addiction recovery safe haven.

We are a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, EIN 82-2566604. All the contributions are tax deductible. No goods or services will be provided in exchange for your gracious contributions.