Integration Starts With Belonging

The Lisbon Project's mission is to build a community that integrates and empowers migrants and refugees. Our vision is to see every migrant and refugee feel at home in Portugal!

In 2024 alone, we have reached over 4,000 people from all over the world!

Story time: Mara is an asylum seeker from Ghana, she fled because she did what any mother would do to protect her children. When her daughter was in danger of being yet another victim of female genital mutilation, Mara picked up and left to Portugal. She was 38 weeks pregnant and went into labour at the Lisbon Airport, she was rushed to hospital and gave birth to a beautiful and healthy baby boy. Everything was fine, until a nurse that was unaware of asylum law, decided Mara did not have resources or the network to parent and separated her from her two children. Mara contacted the Lisbon Project, we mobilized our partner lawyers and after a 3 month legal battle, reunited this family!

Story time #2: Mohsin is a refugee from northern Iraq, he fled at age 16 when his mother begged him to go find safety and freedom. A teenage boy fleeing war, he crossed borders, faced prison, and a life threatening boat trip. In Greece, he was selected to come to Portugal through a relocation program. One month after being in Portugal, Moshin met Gabriela Faria, founder of the LP at a park. The rest is history! Through the LP, Moshin learned English and Portuguese, found a job, lost that job (because integration is not always linear), we got him 3 more, more than anything, he found a community characterized by love and grace. Today Mohsin is autonomous, a wonderful chef, speaks fluent portuguese and is family at the LP. He recently tattooed our logo with the word "peace" underneath. 

Check Mohsin's story here:

How can you help? Be a generous donor to our mission! Help us empower our community through vital services like:

  • Education - Portuguese language courses and tutoring for children.
  • Employability - training, career development and job placement opportunities.
  • Bureaucratic Support - navigating and understanding Portuguese institutions.
  • Benevolence - support with essential items for especially vulnerable families.
  • Community Life - activities promoting community that builds a sense of belonging, cultural exchanges and relationships in safe spaces. 
  • Social Care - connection to other social care organizations that support in areas like homelessness, domestic abuse and others.

We are looking for 200k to reach 5000 migrants and refugees in 2025, help us reach our goal and transform lives! Thank you! ♥

We are a charitable organization located in Lisbon, Portugal, ID NIPC PT514343575. No goods or services will be provided directly to the donors in exchange for their contribution.

Donor Wall107

Anonymous | €50/M


Camille Chungunco | €100/M


Inspired by your mission and actions! Thank you for leading Lisbon towards a happier, healthier society.

Imran Aslam | €50

Giulia De Vita | €65

Lisbon for Parents is happy to donate the proceeds of our Halloween party to Lisbon Project, to support refugee families. Thanks for your hard work


Anonymous | €1,424.54

One time donation from ShoreLife Church! Ongoing support coming!

Michael Renalds | €104.39

Thank you for your inspiring program. I make this donation in honor of Phil Weingrow and Julie Renalds

Scott | €30/M

Happy to be joining the team!

Sandra | €31.67

Thank you for being kind and showing us all that every action matters and for giving us a chance to be a part of it

Mitchel | €5.70

Greg Sanderson | €31.67

Look forward to volunteering!

Otto Wolf | €30

Nanny Poppins | €52.35/M

Thank you for all the work you are doing, you are amazing!


Hi, I am Yassmine Mohamed new Volunteer. so excited to be part of this amazing Journey


Hey, I'm Kelly and I'm very excited to join as a new volunteer!


Diogo Jesus | €30

Diogo Jesus

Paula | €30

Hi, My name is Paula Nogueira! I am a new volunteer (Skills Guide Volunteer).So excited to meet everyone

David Hanson | €52.21

Pardeep | €30

Emily Webster | €30

Lauren Glanville | €30

Petrus | €30

Jose Soares

Obrigado pela visita quando estivemos em Lisboa em Fevereiro

Matthew | €10

Matthew Heselden

Dandan CHEN | €100

Thanks to Eva replying my initial email, and Viviana to receive me for the introduction at the the Lisbon Project office today. I can't wait to join the events soon!

Emil Hadad | €50

Nina | €52.22