Donate to "The Douglas Ducote Show"

Fellow Patriots,

As many of you know, I have been under attack from and censored by the Silicon Valley Big Tech Tyrants.

Please consider making a small donation to help us grow our website, build our infrastructure, increase our programming, and, most importantly, lay the foundation for long term solutions to Restoring Our Constitutional Republic. If possible, please consider a smaller weekly or monthly donation as it will help us plan our long term growth.

We truly appreciate your continued support, loyalty, and interest in my content, opinions, and military and law enforcement expertise. It's an honor to have you on board with Team Ducote and to call you all family.

God bless you and may God bless the United States of America,

Douglas M. Ducote, Sr.
Protecting The Pledge, LLC

"Protecting The Pledge, LLC" is a Louisiana limited liability company. Our EIN number is 84-1821761. These donations are not tax deductible. "Protecting The Pledge, LLC" is not providing a product or service in exchange for this donation.

Donor Wall 65

Nathan Ellis | $52.23

Charles | $10.70

May God bless you for what you do... please be brave and don't give up the fight.

Anonymous | $104.15

Sorry about your friends loosing their home. I hope this helps.

Donald Leske II | $259.92

God bless you sir! Many of us are locked and loaded, ready to defend our Constitution that the left is trying to distroy. We desperatly need leaders like you who have the courage and backing to act.

bob | $10.70


Florida Governor fighting for his people and state. From what I understand, any business asking someone if they have been vaccinated, the business is hit with a 5k fine. That is why the Cruise Industry will no longer ask the jab question. We will keep you in our prayers. Jesus is coming soon. You will be made perfect again in His Kingdom. Mr. Ducote, please get saved if not already!! Time is running out till the Rapture of those who love and put their trust in Lord Jesus. The vaccination, pandemic, Global Reset, One World Order, One World Religion, and the recent attacks on Israel are the prelude to the 7 year Tribulation. Sending love and prayers to you from AZ.

Denise | $26.27

Douglas, thank you for your selfless service to our country, in the past and now! Without true Patriots like you, this country is doomed!

David Hunt | $10.70

Thank you for the information

Adiv Abramson | $10.70

Thank you and your associates for your valiant efforts to protect the Constitution and the rule of law against the relentless attacks by the Democrats and their extreme leftists cohorts. Blessed Be!

Anonymous | $52.23

Doug, May God bless you and your family, be safe specially on Jan 6th in DC.

David Wojtowicz

We need to STOP and REVERSE this cancer in our USA society and protect the Constitution of the United States of America.

Ray | $52.23

bob | $10.70

walter | $100

Doug love your show even thou as noted in the comments on YT I issued a couple of corrections.


Sandy Mcfiddish | $26.27

Hey Doug, Thank you for your service and the channel. Keep up the good fight.

donald | $25

Stay Strong Prepared and Pray

Barbara H. | $26.27

Praying for you, God bless you all

Paul Morgan | $104.15

Keep up the good work!

Anonymous | $5.50

Mr. Ducote. I recently saw Brian Young's video showing that you said F@#^ your rights relating to this Corona Virus. I and we with the LCM. (LEADERLESS CHRISTIAN MILITIA) want to know if you truly said that. Yes or no you will see no retaliation from us and would discourage it to all. Please accept this donation for your truth and honesty with our question and i and we pray for you and your family. God bless. LCM.

Jo Anne | $21.08

Thank you! You and your Team give me hope! God bless!

Brian Clement | $36.66/M

With you Brother

Anonymous | $52.23

Glen Carter | $52.23

Adiv Abramson | $26.27

Cindy Munden | $5.50/W

Roxie Wells | $10.70

Thank you Doug for your service and you and your family for your continued service to our country and fellow patriots. I pray no weapons formed against you shall prosper. Be safe.

Rick | $52.23

Randall Edge | $52.23

Thank You Sir For all that You Do Now and then for our Country!! Sincerely, Randall G. Edge

Marilyn Galli | $10.70

Never give up because our freedoms is not free