Donate to Support Critter Creek Farm Sanctuary

Please help support the rescue and outreach efforts of Critter Creek Farm Sanctuary. We are a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, so your donation is 100% tax-deductible. You can sponsor one of our residents for a set amount per week, month, or year, or offer a one-time donation. Thank you so much for joining us in making the world better for farm animals. We appreciate you!

Critter Creek Farm Sanctuary is a registered nonprofit with the state of Florida and is designated as a 501(c)3 tax-exempt nonprofit organization by the IRS. No goods or services are provided in exchange for your contribution.

Donor Wall491

Luisa Melder | $15.89

Nancy Taylor | $104.15

God bless you for all you do for these animals! In honor of Betty White and her (and my) love for all animals!

Steve Patterson | $47.04/M

Claudia Allen

In honor of Mrs. Betty White who loved animals as much as you Erin! God bless you all.

Kevin | $21.08

Thank you for being a friend to animals ✌🏼💚🐄

Joshua Wood | $10.70

Debra A Muncaster | $10.70

Evelyn | $17.96

Vanessa | $15

Betty White | $10.70

You don’t really have to notify by email. I just love Betty White


Anonymous | $5.50/M

In honor of Angel Blue, Guardian Grace, Micah Marie, Autumn Anastasia, Shannon, Shane, Bryce, Skipper, Tico, Queenie, Peaches, Mutt, Jeff, Bozo, Coaltrain, Japper, Paws and all the animals who have been kind enough to shower me w their love and devotion all these years ♥️♥️

Louisa | $311.84

The work you do, the love you give, it makes me feel that there's hope in the world. Thank you.

Gregory Webster | $52.23

Hunter McKibben | $52.23

Christopher Carney | $31.46

In memory of Frankie. Thank you for caring

Southern Fried Vegan | $350

Dank Cakes | $15.89

For the vegan farmers market.

Anonymous | $15

Lara DiNofrio | $21.08

Saw Buddy’s story on FB and felt compelled to donate! Thanks for everything you do!

Darla Dill | $21.08

Thank you for all you do to help animals!

Jessica Williams | $15

December Market

Jed Gelber | $10.70

Saw Lionel & Amos video on The Dodo. Wonderful!

Die Vegan Clothing | $150

To the Sanctuary of the Month! Thank you for your work! - die vegan team

Ryan | $26.27

Vendor fee including a little extra. Love what you guys are doing!

Jo Maynard | $100

Sheryl Barnes | $50

Thank you!!!!!!

Lisa McCoy | $52.23

This donation is recognition of our friend's birthday. Her name is Kimberly Bruno - 2108 E. Jefferson St. Orlando FL 32802. [email protected]

Tim Welch | $21.08

This is for Buddy. Freedom!!

Ali | $100