Though we are exclusively a Christian church, our Order dutifully and honorably celebrates the creeds and beliefs of many of the great traditions and faiths of the world. 

We teach the Prisca Theologia which asserts that “a single theology exists which threads through all the religions, and which was anciently given by God to humans”, and thus we educate and teach our congregation on the beliefs and faiths of many religions and spiritual doctrines. Our teachings highlight the fact that all of the great traditions, beneath their exoteric veil, hold at their core a foundational esoteric truth, which transcends all belief systems, languages, cultures, terms, categories, names, symbols or otherwise. 

Seeking out brotherhood with our fellow man without dissolving our own unique racial, cultural, and religious characteristics is a practice that we uphold and honor.

The Gnostic Church and Academy of Lord Jesus Christ is a 508(c)(1)(a) non-profit organization. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your contribution.

Donor Wall39

Amy | $5

Thank you for sharing this knowledge 🙏

Brian Ellis | $252.26

Please accept this sharing of our abundance for the furtherance of the Ministry.

Brian Mitchell | $399.06

Anne Embla | $26.34

My husband and I thank you for all your uplifting and educational videos. Best wishes from us in Norway 🙏

Mark | $75

Continuing to review older weekly sermons, so much rich material to learn. Thank you for bringing your insights to more and spreading your light.

Shannon Seal | $22.70

Amazing message this morning! Feeling much gratitude to be here/hear. Love you guys

Shannon Seal | $57.57

The Ra prayer alone is worth this donation. I’m sure that will be condemned amongst many circles. Appreciate your bravery. ✨🙏❤️

Brian | $10.72/M

Hey Brother, been a reader and listener for many years. I’m now in a position to contribute and support the endeavors of you and the Academy. I appreciate you! Brian

Shannon Seal

Wow! So looking forward to this documentary (and one day the tarot too 😉)! In our current CULTure of lackadaisical entitlement your bust ass hard work is powerful leadership and highly motivating! ❤️✨❤️