Donate to help Future Search with its mission to change the world one meeting at a time

Future Search Network has a nonprofit mission of service, colleagueship and learning. We work in all countries and in all communities to tackle intractable issues. 

Our goal is to spread this way of working to all places where there is need. Often that means working in and with deprived communities across the globe. We invite you to support our mission by donating to our non profit Network. 

  • $25 will provide a book 
  • $100 will help provide the materials we use in delivering a training course
  • $200 will pay for the membership of the Network for a year
  • $1000 will prove the rental of a space to deliver a Future Search
  • $2000 will support someone to participate in a training course 
  • $10000 will provide a training course in a developing country with a local partner