Donate to Flash Forward

Flash Forward is, right now, a solo project. Hello! I'm Rose. I make the show by myself. I spend a lot of time one it, to come up with ideas, research, book guests, do interviews, log tape, script, voice, edit and cut together every episode with my bare hands. Consider this podcast extremely artisanal. But all that time spent doing the show, means time not spent doing other work that actually pays me real money. And I use that real money to pay rent and feed my dog.

The dream is to turn Flash Forward into a thing that pays for itself. So if you want to help support the show financially I would be extremely appreciative. Here are the two main ways to do that. Patreon is one way, and it's a bit like Kickstarter, except instead of donating a single chunk of money to a single project, you give a little bit of money for each thing a person creates. So you can pledge to give $1, $2, $5, $10 (you get the idea) each episode. Over at Patreon I explain how I'll use the money, and all that. It's a great way to give!

But the other way to give is here, one time, at whatever amount you want!