Your support allows us to keep each magazine copy FREE of cost to our community. Over the past four years, EASTSIDE Magazine has gained trust as a collective platform amplifying the voices of our East San Jose community.
To date, Eastside Magazine has published 17 issues with the following themes: the journey, collective movement, COVID-19 impact, education and distance learning, el bienestar (wellness and well-being), esparanza (hope), solidaridad (solidarity), tradicones (traditions), raices (roots), and puentes (bridges). Since our inaugural issues, we have:
Produced over 25,000 print copies
Gained over 1,500 digital subscribers
Over 140 contributors, many of whom are first-time emerging writers
Supporting 5-10 contributors/artists stipends (per issue)
Join us at our fourth annual fundraiser and release party, [ EN MOVIMIENTO ], on Friday, April 26th, where we celebrate our storytellers with cultural pride along with our team, featured artists, y ustedes! Fundraiser doors open at 5:30pm, release party starts at 7pm.
This event supports the work of EASTSIDE Magazine as a collective platform for East San Jose. Donations will be accepted at the door. A donation of any amount is a contribution towards our mission to amplify East San José's rich cultural legacy.
Donor Wall 1
Ruth Mendoza
I wish I could’ve been there today. Sending my little grain. Keep up the great work team! ✊🏽