Donate towards Bhairava Temple Project
In order for greater protection and long term spiritual benefits to Sanathana Dharma, we plan to construct at least eight Bhairava temples in different places in India having a specific configuration of deities and yantra-s and puja padhyati-s which will bring out the true and effective force of Bhairava tattwa.
Bhagwan Bhairava willing, these would help to bring a tremendous shift in the spiritual and material life of the Nation. It is unfortunate that the one of the most traumatic events at the inception of our Nation was the partition of the land, which, if seen objectively, is nothing but destruction of the borders of the country. This has also created constant and endless conflicts, covert and overt, from unfriendly neighbouring forces whose aim is to undermine Dharma and the Nation.
From the spiritual perspective the first step to restore a defensive kavaca or armour is to invoke Bhairava in the key locations of this land and make His presence permanent in the form of temples. That is why we plan to work towards establishing Bhairava temples in different key areas of India.
Please watch out this section for more information on the project.
If you would like to contribute towards the Bhairava Temple project please use the avenues given below and contribute towards this project. Thank you.