
As an organization that “provides food, shelter, social services and other necessities of life”, Community Beyond Violence is deemed an “essential service” and will remain open and operational amid the COVID-19 Pandemic. We continue to prioritize direct and vital services to hundreds of families experiencing violence in Nevada County. But we are concerned about spikes in domestic violence.

We know increased isolation can intensify danger for victims of violence. For people already living in terror, being told to stay at home can literally be a death sentence. While we absolutely support the need to follow guidelines of social distancing and isolation, we also recognize that it provides an opportunity for abusers to perpetuate the cycle of violence. By giving today, you are sustaining services like:

~Our 24 hour crisis line
~16 bed emergency shelter

~Emergency food, clothing and transportation
~Legal advocacy and accompaniment
~Children’s therapy and healing art groups
~Individual therapy
~Support and education groups
~Bilingual advocacy
~Prevention and education programs


Thank you for investing in violence intervention and prevention efforts in Nevada County.

We are a 501(C)(3) charitable organization, Tax Id: 94-2688893. All donations are 100% tax deductible. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your contribution.