Black Jaguar-White Tiger

Black Jaguar-White Tiger

Donor Wall2385

Zoe | $50

I follow you guys on instagram and what you’re doing is amazing. Seeing your post’s make my day ❤️

Jacki | $50

Courtney Marie Fowler

Thank you for the work you ALL do!!

Stacey Kandel | $500

Love you Eddie and all you do

Georgette Namei

Thank you for everything you do! Eddie, you are an amazing human and I love you!

Davide Favero | $52.07

Grazie per tutto quello che fate

Angelica Taggart | $21.01/M

Blessings to you for your work with our animal brothers and sisters.

María Natera | $10.66

Emna Fraj

Support from Tunisia ♥️

Alvaro Abreu | $10

Candy | $25

I wish I could donate more! l will try and continue to keep donating every now and then. I respect what you do with all animals and watching tiger king really pissed me off so it made me want to donate even more! lol SMH

William Burcheri

Thank you Uncle Eddy!

Sheila Nyberg | $103.83

Thank you for taking care of those wonderful animals!

Liz Ogilvie | $10.66/M

After all this hype about a ridiculous Netflix show ( which I refuse to watch) I would like to help out a legitimate rescue who contributes to providing a safe space, and care for these beautiful animals. Keep up the great work!

Melissa | $103.83

Dakota | $442

I spent the school year raising money for this foundation and another shelter called Simply Cats. Hope that it helps!

Chris | $10.66

Luisa | $30

Tengo 17 años y amo a los animales, la verdad me inspira mucho el trabajo que usted hace y sé que en estos tiempos difíciles tenemos que apoyarnos unos a los otros, así que decidí donar para ayudar a esos chiquitines. Siga haciendo ese maravilloso trabajo:)

Aleah | $21.01

My thoughts and prayers continue to be with your organization and the work you do. God Bless. Love you all!

Jessica Terrigno

I am grateful for you


Thank you for everything you and your staff do to keep those fur babies protected ❤️


Christina | $10.66

Thank you guys for all of your hard work. Much love.

Mikayla Akers | $21.01

I appreciate your content and care for these animals! We need more people like you. I hope this helps at least a little! I wish I could donate more.

Maryam | $50

Allison | $10

Erin | $10

Lynne Sbpw | $52.07

Be well and will do more when we can❤

Jessica | $21.01

Holley | $10

Keep it up!👏🏼