Black Jaguar-White Tiger

Black Jaguar-White Tiger

Donor Wall2385

Jeff Yauck | $103.83

Love u guys. Keep up the work

Lena | $10.66

Thank you for taking car of these amazing animals!

WENDI OLSEN | $1,035.51

For my birthday my husband asked what I wanted & I said chicken for the kids. Happy Birthday to Me :-)


Cinderelly212 | $10/M

To the Best Foundation Ever

Monica Ampudia

Carmen | $103.83

Proud of all you do! You guys make the world a better place

Natalia | $52.07

Nida | $31.37

Omer | $10.66

Keep up the good work

Mariya Nairner

Christine Briggs | $29.04

Audrey | $31.37

So good to hear your news Papa Bear and all at BJWT from a dismal UK. Huge thanks for All the hard work you do for these precious souls.

Sergio Fiorito | $10.66/Q

You are a great person

Alejandro Vargas | $26.19

Valentina | $10.66/M

Dearne Mcdonald | $300

From Dearne & Genevieve mcdonald

Kiernan Bishop | $259.11

For the Angels

Chase Anderson | $21.01


Awanish | $10.66

Love from India 🇮🇳 You guys are doing great 👏🏻

Arianne | $10

Thank you!

Nikoo | $10

Thank you for all that you do for these children:)

Sarah Kingsbury | $10.66

I would love to make AUSD available, otherwise it is just to expensive for me to donate 🥺. I hope my two donations can feed two babies or at least one xx

Sarah Kingsbury | $10.66

I would have loved to donate $100 Australian Dollars, but only USD$ is available.

candace hopkins | $259.11

Dmitriy Kalyushik | $20

It's national tiger day! Lunch is on me for 2 tigers. Thanks for all you do PB. God Bless!

Tigress Infinity | $10.66


Mauro | $103.83

Imageworx Media GmbH | $1,000

From Sean Philip. FREE BRITNEY!