Black Jaguar-White Tiger

Black Jaguar-White Tiger

Donor Wall 2387

Rafael Magana | 312,65 $/M

Thank you for saving the animals and for helping the planet!

Rafael Magana Jr | 104,42 $/M

Rosemarie Smith | 312,65 $

Emily greene

Love everything you're going - it's so inspiring. I hope to one day come and volunteer.

Amanda | 125,25 $

Ceci | 50 $


Arturo Chavez

Stefano | 10,70 $

Love from italy

Sarah Perry | 57,42 $

I donate this money in the name of Sabnok, lion-headed finder of castles. May your name be known far and wide. Thank you, Mighty Sabnok.

Jūratė Dmitreva | 10,70 $

Mátyás Csonka | 10,70 $/M

Merry Christmas and all the best for your team !

valeria | 59,57 $

Happy Holidays


Jessie | 21,08 $

Thank you for taking care of animals.

Anissa Lebas | 100 $

I've been watching a lot of your videos. I've always wanted to donate but I wasn't able to. I'm not really able to but I think this is more important than anything ! I really hope that you'll be able to continue your amazing work for years ! And I'm able to help , I'll do so! Love it! You're incredible!

Logan | 21,01 $

Corey S | 10,84 $/M

nazareth dental associates | 207,35 $/M


Thank You Papa Bear. "It's all for Love"

Dawn Kearns | 10,66 $

Your posts give my Family & I tremendous joy. My special needs son loves seeing you interact with these special animals and it is our dream to visit your your beautiful establishment some day. Many thanks for all that you do for these remarkable creatures. The Kearns Family



Emotional Healing Retreats | 50 $/M

Thank you Eddie for all your love of the kids - Jana


Por que te creo y quiero seguir viendo como continuas tu bella labor de amor a los animales.

kathy Faline | 26,33 $

I will continue to support you and the foundation. Thank you for all that you have done and continue to do.

Fara | 103,80 $


Hilda | 52,07 $/M

Thank you for all your hard work in saving these angels.

Lidi Santillan | 10,84 $


Stay strong Eduardo 🙏🏼💙💙 #blueenergy