2018 Year-End Fundraiser

ProMED gathers and shares vital information, promoting connections and dialogue amongst the international infectious disease community. Delivering curated, real-time, global disease surveillance data, ProMED is trusted for its unbiased reporting and the authoritative analysis provided by global experts. Enabling accelerated infectious disease detection and response, ProMED is free of political or commercial constraints. To ensure the broadest possible access to its surveillance data, ProMED is available free of charge.

But keeping ProMED free requires support from the individuals who use and benefit from it. It requires support from you. Please donate today.

*No goods or services were provided in exchange for this contribution. The International Society for Infectious Diseases is an exempt organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions may be deductible from U.S. income taxes in accordance with IRS regulations. ISID suggests donors check with their tax preparer regarding the eligibility of their contribution.