Disrupting Global Tyranny
A highly targeted and extremely disruptive piece of activity that will throw a *huge* spanner in the works of Global Tyranny.
I can’t divulge any information in advance, as it needs to be a surprise.
Everything will be documented and I’ll tell you all about it after it’s complete.
It will take no more than a week to execute once funds have been secured.
It is 100% legal.
It will *really* stick one in the faces of the psychopaths who are seeking to destroy our families, communities and nations.
Donor Wall 23
Jamie McNally | £10
Lorna Douglas | £10
Thank you for taking the lead.
Katrina | £20
We have to get this done. I just donated another £50 but forgot to comment. Hence the £3 this time. Anyone who has already donated. Ask yerself: did you consider donating more in the hope that more of us would donate? I did. My first thought had been "hmmm maybe £100" then I went a bit cheapskate at £50. Now remedied
Katrina | £20
May the Force Be With You!
Janine Sachs | £20
Hope we’ll get to know kw what it is at some point?
Krishnakumari Nerney | £10
Right behind you, Ben
Roger | £20
Good luck with this. I really hope you can get this going, and I look forward to hearing all about it.
Antony | £45
Im in … thanks bud 👍
Andrew Wilkins | £50
“The forest was shrinking, but the trees kept voting for the Axe for the Axe was clever and convinced the Trees that because his handle was made of wood, he was one of them.” Turkish Proverb.
Krishnakumari | £20
Hi, Ben. Keep up the good work. When i first heard you, my first thought was, “is this for real”. Fed up withe super rich, wiley elite who talk about equality but want to make the majority of the population their underlings. Very few realise the agenda of the WEF, the UNO, WHO, etc
Paul | £10
Steve Sampford | £50
Nigel Cockain | £50
Somebody press fast forward. We need dynamic nobble and knacker mechanisms ASAP!
David Greenald | £50
John Sinclair Sinclair | £10
I approve of disrupting global tyrannies of all kinds.
Joe Booth | £20
I'm intrigued!
Mel Scott | £10
Appreciating your research and like your Podcasts and analysis Ben.
Elly Hurren | £10
Faith | £50
As they say....every little helps.....and seems a good cause to me...
Nicholas Crayson | £44
Here to help Ben!