Website Donations
Thank you for choosing to help make a difference! Your financial support helps us to provide free, compassionate and professional services for those dealing with the everyday realities of dementia.
Are you planning a celebration such as a wedding, birthday or anniversary? Rather than asking for presents, please consider inviting friends and family to make a donation to Dementia Lakes. A donation in memory of a loved one is a unique and special way to honour and commemorate their life. Whatever your circumstances, we appreciate your support whether this is a one-time gift or an ongoing monthly contribution - thank you.
Dementia Lakes Incorporated is a registered charity and an approved donee organisation. Donations over $5 are therefore eligible for NZ IRD tax credits.
If you need any further information please contact Dementia Lakes on 07-349 0053.
Donor Wall (2)
Aaron Orringe | NZ$21.17
Kim Orringe | NZ$21.17