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Our Creator knows fear is part of life, but when fear replaces calm and confidence, we aren’t living as God desires. His Word offers the same advice every day: “Do not be afraid.” Are you ready to climb over this mountain of fear? Join us for the next 21 days and place your hope in God.

Why Do We Ask for a Donation?

We value this audio guide at $27, but you are free to give what you can.

This audio guide was created in Dutch, but through past donations, we can now offer it in English. Your support will help us translate it into Tagalog, Hindi, Turkish, and more languages, reaching others who need to overcome worry and anxiety. If you’re unable to pay, we’re happy to offer this guide as a gift.

What Your Donation Provides:

  • 🎧 21-day audio guide in audio and PDF formats.
  • 📧 Daily encouragement emails.

How to Donate:

Choose your currency, amount, and payment method. If you change your mind in seven days, we’re happy to refund. For any concerns, email servingyou@jesus.net.

Get Ready to Conquer Your Fears!

Remember, you are a miracle. Join us, and let’s overcome fear together!

What happens after the gift is processed:

You will receive an email in your inbox with the details of how to receive your audio guide.

You will receive a donation receipt for your gift at the end of the calendar year. If you have problems or concerns with your donation, please email servingyou@jesus.net.

Get ready to conquer your fears! And remember, you are a miracle!


🇨🇦 To give in Canada CLICK HERE 🇨🇦

We are a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, EIN 81-3144647. All contributions are tax deductible.