DCNA is a 100% volunteer organization. All donations go to our events, activities and programming, which include: Porchfest!, Memorial Day Procession & Commemoration, Winter Solstice Gathering, Annual Tree Lighting & Caroling, Backyard Ramble, Local Election Candidate Forums, Neighborhood Greenspace Work, Annual Spring Gathering, and support for other neighborhood groups and activities.
Donations to Deering Center Neighborhood Association (DCNA) are tax deductible. We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, our EIN # is 270305019.
All who donate are considered members, and those who donate and live in Deering Center have voting rights in DCNA elections, including board elections.
If you're looking to volunteer or find ways to be active in the neighborhood, click on our Neighborhood Activity Sign Up link: https://forms.gle/wqaLQq23H4N9xqqTA
Also, DCNA loves to help support neighborhood activities and events. If you have a vision or passion you would like support to make happen, let’s talk. Examples might include; Music in the Park, Game Night, Open Mic Night, Makers Market, Creative Kids, Poetry Reading, etc.
If you have any questions or anything, please contact us anytime at deeringcenter@gmail.com