We can support leaders  around the world through ELIAs a member of the ELI Faculty, I provide solid teaching to dozens of national leaders who have the calling and capacity to pass on their training to others in my focus area of Southeast Asia. We aim to produce mature leaders who will bring wholeness to the places where they live and serve. Partners are needed! 

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For financial support, monthly and annual donors especially help us to plan long-term through faithful giving, with examples that range from:
$1,000/month or $12,000/yr - trains 10 leadersfor one year

$500/month or $6,000/yr - trains 5 leaders for one year
$250/month or $3,000/yr - trains 2 leaders for one year

$100/month or $1,200/yr - trains 1 leaders for one year

$50/month or $600 - trains 1 leader for one conference

One-time gifts also help us invest in leaders in developing areas.

Because you partner through giving, I can equip leaders to impact their communities. I am thankful for your faithful giving. As we pray and serve by faith, may we continue to fulfill the this Great Commission. 

For His glory,
David Lee

Equipping Leaders International is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. All donations are deemed tax-deductible absent any limitations on deductibility applicable to a particular taxpayer. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your contribution.