DAF Diversity & Decolonising Training
€ 3,482.90
€ 4,000
Deep Adaptation Forum Dismantling Racism Training
Registration and donations
You are being invited as a key volunteer in the Deep Adaptation movement to this anti-racism training with the intention of making our spaces safer for everyone, especially Black, Indigenous and People of Colour (BIPoC). This training is organised by the Diversity and Decolonising Circle, and facilitated by Nonty C. Sabic.
Two different training groups are available, to accommodate wide time zones. Each of these training groups will meet over 3 consecutive days, with 3 hours of online workshops scheduled per day:
- Group 1: Friday 6th, Saturday 7th, Sunday 8th, November 2020. 10am to 1pm CEST daily (Africa / Europe / Australasia overlap). See start time in your local time zone.
- Group 2: Friday 13th, Saturday 14th, Sunday 15th, November 2020. 6pm to 9pm CEST daily (Americas / Africa / Europe overlap). See start time in your local time zone.
This training is intended for DAF participants who self-identify as White.
Black, Indigenous and People of Colour are welcome to join the first day of the workshop for free, where we will be introducing ourselves, opening the discussion and watching a pre-recorded video conversation between Nonty C. Sabic and Dr. Robin DiAngelo. The rest of the program is aimed at dismantling internalised white supremacy and is for Whites only. BIPoC, please email diversity@deepadaptation.info to register.
About donations: we invite you to contribute here. Each volunteer’s place on the training costs €100. Donations above that level help pay for others who can't afford the full cost. We are requesting a minimum donation of €5 because personal commitment to doing life-changing work like this can be supported by the act of making a donation in exchange - even a small one.
Any funds raised in excess of the amount needed for this training will be used on other projects related to Diversity and Decolonising in the Deep Adaptation movement.
> If you are unable to make a donation, please email us at diversity@deepadaptation.info to register instead.
> If you cannot join the training, but would still like to support this work financially, please donate here.