CVARR's Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery Initaitive
Central Virginia Addiction & Recovery Resources, CVARR, exists to help foster a community–wide approach to prevent addiction, promote recovery and healthy lifestyles. Our goal is to connect people to a network of resources they need to find their own path to treatment and recovery.
The work of CVARR is accomplished by volunteers from across Central Virginia who provide dedicated leadership and insight to the needs of the communities and populations they serve. Together, we are able to effectively prioritize needs, reduce barriers, and provide better access to resources and services as we strive to engage our community in the reduction of substance use through education and collaboration.
CVARR makes partnership our priority. With power in number, we are able to collaborate effectively, capitalize on resources, coordinate effective action, and develop plans for innovative intervention between the multi-sector environments that provide the foundation for our community. We recognize that the work being accomplished within each sector of our community overlaps in more ways than one and it is for this reason that we are asking for your monetary support. As parents, business owners, healthcare providers, recovery individuals, substance use specialists, youth, law enforcement, religious leaders, and teachers among other important roles, we value your place in the community, your experiences, and your unique perspective. We appreciate the importance of diversity in background, expertise, and interest in our fight to prevent addiction and substance use.
CVARR is positioned to become the lead resource for advancing community conditions, norms, systems, and policies for substance use, prevention, treatment, and recovery in Central Virginia. All of our members are committed to the development of trust, transparency, and transfer of knowledge to advance our shared mission. Join us in our efforts to support the counties of Amherst, Appomattox, Bedford, Campbell, and the City of Lynchburg by making our home a safer and healthier community for all!