Cudgewa and Upper Murray Bushfire Recovery Fund

Cudgewa and Upper Murray Bushfire Recovery Fund 

A charitable sub fund set up by local people to support Cudgewa and  the Upper Murray Communities of Victoria in the Towong Shire with immediate bushfire relief, longer term recovery and resilience building activities.  

This fund currently holds charitable status under the trustee of Into Our Hands Community Foundation ltd. but not tax deductibility.

The Cudgewa and Upper Murray Bushfire Recovery Fund is a sub fund of Into Our Hands Community Foundation Limited . IOHCF Ltd is a registered charity under the ATO and ACNC. Donations are taken into our open fund, a charitable fund for community benefit. This fund does not offer tax deductibility. ABN 14160630491

Donor Wall3

Alexandra Cole | A$3,059

Dear Joshua, Our Group ACE Dance Studio raised $3059. We would like the money to go towards acres and acres. If the said project is already funded please put it towards another project within the Upper Murray.

Holle | A$855

From everyone who attended and supported the Music at the Movies fundraiser for the Cudgewa playground - may the new playground be a place of play, fun, healing and a community gathering place during recovery after the fires, may it encourage connection to the land and each other. And may we all visit and enjoy pizza from the pizza oven!

Margot Smith | A$99.12

North East Kirtan Community fundraiser at Orana Yoga and Well-being centre are sending donations from the evening along with our dedication of inner peace and courage to the Upper Murray Community to turn the setbacks into comebacks!