CS Fundamentals Outreach






CS Fundamentals is a nonprofit outreach program dedicated to providing free educational programs to a wide range of young learners in the field of computer science.

Contributions from our generous supporters make it possible for the instructors at CS Fundamentals to provide fun and interactive computer science and coding logic courses. CS Fundamentals provides this opportunity free of charge to passionate kids and teens interested in computer science, many of which would otherwise lack the means to gain these early foundations.

Our programs are designed for eager learners ages 5-18. The curriculum provides a basic understanding of coding foundations by presenting the immediate benefits available to anyone, regardless of skill. There are many exciting benefits these young learners walk away with, including: game hacks, data package uploads for popular games (Minecraft), the ability to create your own games using programs like Scratch, and the ability to design-build a website, just to name a few.

 In a world that is quickly becoming more digital and data-centric, an early start in coding fundamentals can make all the difference. Help us prepare young learners for a successful education and an exciting career path in computer science!