Crossing the Finish Line
In the meantime, we are asking for your help to get us through these next few months. To see us across the finish line. Last year, your support ensured FFI's survival. Now, let's come together and secure our impact in the new world when the pandemic subsides.
Please consider joining with FFI's Board of Directors to make a financial contribution to FFI. If you haven't donated to Friendship Force before, now is the time. If you have already given and are thinking about giving again, thank you.
What a year this has been. But what a future we have, thanks to you.
See you on the next Journey.
If you would prefer to mail in your donation, checks can be sent to:
Friendship Force International
Attn: Finance Department
279 West Crogan Street
Lawrenceville, GA 30046
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us. Our CEO, Board of Directors, and staff are ready to answer your questions and can be reached through email at or by phone at +1 404-522-9490. For the latest news and information, visit
Donor Wall 86
Friendship Force Club of Big Canoe/North Georgia | $51,18
Tom was a long-time member of our club and shared many delightful stories of his journeys around the world. He will be missed by all of us.
Genci Mucaj | $104,15
Friendship Force of Oregon's Mid-Willamette Valley | $150
This is in honor of the FF of Tokyo, Japan and their visit to FFOMWV
Friendship Force of Oregon's Mid-Willamette Valley | $150
Christi Beltramo
Friendship Force of Sacramento | $519,52
Wendy Johnston
Friendship Force of Oregon's Mid Willamette Valley | $150
In honor of the Friendship Force of Denver
Friendship Force of Oregon's Mid-Willamette Valley | $150
In honor of Friendship Force of Edmonton
Friendship Force of Oregon's Mid-Willamette Valley | $150
In honor of Friendship Force of Manitoba.
Friendship Force of Oregon's Mid Willamette Valley | $150
In honor of Friendship Force Leuven.
Leicester UK FF | £30
for the development fund from Leicester UK FF
Thank you for the great work you do!
Mikel | $104,15
Maranell McKnew | $104,15
Kristin Hill | $52,23
In memory of a good and kind friend
Friendship force Club La Serena | $202,80
Martha Cox | $500
Laura Graham | $104,15
FF Ottawa | C$1.000
From Friendship Force Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Lise R Skofronick | $104,15
Emie | $10,70
Thank you all for the amazing work you do!
Rose Emerick | $2.100
Ray & PJ Missman
Kathy Cressey | $500
Friendship Force of Greater Orlando values the leadership and support from the FFI staff during these difficult times for building global understanding.
Blair Cox | $47,14
$45 for 45 years