Crimson Truth Ministry






Hello, my name is Billy Aiken and I'm so excited to be in the business of changing and shaping lives! Your financial support could help me create content that will reach people with the gospel of Jesus Christ. My goal will be to turn everyday people into disciples that will reach the lost and live a more fulfilling life. Your donation will, directly and indirectly, reach the world for Christ. Your support will change the world, so let's change the world together!

Here are some goals that I am very excited about. These goals will become a reality all due to your support:

  • To be able to work in this ministry on a full-time basis and upload more videos on a regular basis
  • I need to hire a team of video editors, voiceover people, a graphic designer, a website designer, social media experts, and more to take this entire ministry to the next level
  • Create a professional website that will act as a central hub for the entire ministry. People will be able to access video content, digital assets, and more
  • I am interested in building a community where people can come and connect with like-minded people. There will be training, teaching, and resources to help everyone
  • To create a program that people all over the world can access that will turn everyday people into disciples. This program will have digital assets such as "Digital Tracks" that they can share across all social media platforms, email, and more that will show the plan of salvation in video and text formats, lead those people to Christ and then connect those newly converted Christians to a local New Testament Bible-believing church
  • I am interested in creating a smartphone app that will be made available to people that will have the Bible available to read, daily inspiration and devotions, Christian music, digital tracks, soul-winning training, and more
  • Create a Christian-based merchandise e-Commerce store where people can purchase clothing, Bibles, books, etc... 
  • I am also going to create a system that keeps track of the number of people that get saved and come to Christ as a direct result of this ministry. This will enable a way to show in real-time the number of people affected by your support and to encourage you for being a part of this ministry

Who am I and why am I doing this?

I was the Youth Pastor for over ten years in our home church in Haughton, Lousiana. In 2016 we have what they called a "1,000-year flood" and we lost our home and everything we owned. We moved to a small town outside of Nashville, Tennesse to start our lives over. I am currently working with the children's ministry in our local church and I believe God has called me to start this ministry where I believe there is a massive need and no one else is really fulfilling this need. 

I have over 15 years of digital marketing experience and I am excited to be able to apply all the skills I learned over the years to this project the Lord has called me to do. I am asking for your support to help me build something real that will impact the world on a massive scale! 

Think about this, there are hundreds of thousands to millions of people that will likely never hear the gospel of Jesus Christ. Think about the millions of people we could reach with the gospel and help them live a more fulfilling life! That's what we are doing. What if your donation enables one person to get saved, then that person uses a digital track we will provide, and five others get saved and more people from those people get saved. This causes a huge effect where thousands of people will know Jesus Christ as their Saviour all because of your support! That my friend is powerful!

If you are reading this now and made it this far that shows me you are serious. Go ahead and show your support and let's change the world together!

Billy Aiken

Donor Wall2

Fadi Shabo | $50

I’m already saved. But I absolutely love your channel I thank God for you brother keep going. God bless you and your family

Carla | $25

Thank you for all that you are doing for the Kingdom! May God continue to bless your ministry.