ConnectWise Foundation - IT Nation Fund






Life is unpredictable, whether in times of economic uncertainty, business challenges, or personal struggles.  Our TSP community, through the ConnectWise Foundation, may need your help now more than ever. Whether you wish to donate directly or participate in one of our philanthropic initiatives your support is appreciated. Through our ConnectWise Foundation we hope to continue to build a fund to support The IT Nation.

*DONATION DISCLAIMER: By submitting this donation, you understand and acknowledge that ConnectWise maintains discretion and sole control over the use of all funds donated. In practice, ConnectWise honors the giving preferences for any of its previously approved programs and projects whenever possible; however, in circumstances when that is not possible, donations will be allocated where they are deemed necessary and/or appropriate. Therefore, you explicitly release ConnectWise from any restrictions on how the donated funds are ultimately spent. ConnectWise Foundation, Inc. (EIN: 46-0635867) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that is qualified to receive tax-deductible donations. You are urged consult with your tax advisor regarding the extent to which you can deduct contributions made herein.

Donor Wall 5

Arnie & Lauren Bellini | $2,077.15

We will all miss Casey

Christy Sacco | $100

RIP Casey!💗🙏💗🙏

Drew Sanford | $200

Blessings on the Higgins family

Dave Cava

RIP Casey - what a great guy. So sorry to hear the news.

Kathy Smith | $500

Casey helped to shape ConnectWise to what it is today. Please help me to take care of his dear family. Kathy Smith