Donate to support Commongrounds!

Thank you for your contribution!  Your generosity helps us create spaces where everyone can thrive. Please consider making a donation and indicate where you’d like to direct your gift:

  1. Commongrounds Cooperative Community Spaces and Programming, supporting public spaces and programming focused on food, family, arts, and wellness at 414 E 8th Street.  
  2. Commongrounds Foundation Affordable Housing, ensuring long-term sustainability and accessibility.

All donations will be used exclusively for 501(c)(3) tax-exempt purposes.  Thank you for being part of the Commongrounds vision!

Commongrounds Foundation is organized exclusively for 501(c)(3) charitable organization and contributions are expected to be tax-deductible for income, gift, and estate taxes (exempt status pending). Our EIN is 99-4912103. A fiduciary fee up to 6% may be paid to the Foundation for donations directed to Commongrounds Cooperative. Donations to Commongrounds through the Foundation will be used exclusively to support 501(c)(3) tax-exempt purposes.