Combat Team Ministries


The Combat Team is a ministry that’s dream and vision is to reach the world for Christ.
God has given us the opportunity to minister to hundreds of thousands of people over the last 18 years, in over 50 countries around the world, and across the United States. Seeing his hand, move on people’s hearts & lives. Being changed and restored as they give their hearts to Christ.

When you partner with us, you are helping us in the following programs.

  • United States Missions & Evangelism
  • Overseas Missions & Evangelism
  • Youth and Adult Discipleship in the U.S & Overseas (opening karate schools offering free tuition, uniforms, and belt promotion in economically challenged areas across the U.S. and around the world to reach and teach people about Jesus)
  • Bible Distribution
  • Anti Bullying, Anti Drugs & Alcohol, Character Counts, Assemblies in public schools
  • Kids for Christ & FCA speaking engagements


The Combat Team is a 501(c)3 organization and all gifts are tax deductible.

By supporting The Combat Team with one time or monthly contribution, you can help reach the world for Christ. Your willingness to faithfully participate financially allows this ministry to maintain and expand opportunities for the gospel message to be brought to people across the United States and all over the world.

Or, if you feel more comfortable mailing your support, you can do so by sending it to:

The Combat Team Ministries
PO Box 54515
Tulsa, OK. 74155