Help GASO Fight the Fraud Factories in Southeast Asia






Cybercrime is NOW a multi-billion dollar industry in Southeast Asia (SEA), ruining tens of thousands of lives around the world. With powerful backers and protected havens in SEA, the 'fraud factories' there have spawned a secondary industry of human trafficking (HT) to feed their labor-intensive criminal enterprises. 

Supercharge our mission against the multi-billion dollar SEA cybercrime syndicates!

Funds will be used for prevention, protection and prosecution. Empower GASO to better defend forward --to seek out, learn, report, and disrupt the SEA cybercrime industry.


Awareness of developments in cyber scams in Asia and how human trafficking is affecting YOUR online experience is still low, due to language barrier, embarrassment of victims, ignored reports

Driving public awareness

  • Website, social media, and media
  • Interviewing victims, researching, translating for GASO's reporting
  • Social media campaigns to include English
  • Expose latest online scams and job scams leading to HT to scams companies
  • Helping news media to penetrate more of the SEA cybercrime industry

Fraud site blacklist 

  • Updating and verifying each entry of GASO's web-searchable list of the latest reported fraud sites. It is now at 14,000+ fraud sites, with 10-30 added daily.

Live Chat

  • To keep up with increasing queries from scam victims, HT victims and media (already at 8 - 12 reporters a week)
  • In more than a dozen instances their direct intervention has prevented victims from sending millions of dollars to fraudsters


  • Needed more for website articles, social media, news, and for human trafficking rescuers on the ground.


For protecting the physical lives of HT victims enslaved by SEA cybercrime syndicates.

GASO volunteer rescuers:

  • Verify the sincerity and authenticity of a scam company worker asking for help
  • Find, relay messages, and connect HT victims with their families so that their families can report their kidnapping
  • Liaise with authorities, embassies of HT victims and local partners
  • Strategize plans and ideas for exfiltration from guarded compounds
  • Resist ransom demands and extortion; work with informants
  • Properly document to ensure court-admissibility of any findings
  • One rescue operation typically take ~2 weeks of interviewing, verifying, assessing, and planning, not counting police or embassy response times and final debriefing.

Temporary safehouse in Cambodia

  • For approximately 35 HT victims. 
  • Victims who cannot afford to fly home yet can stay there
  • Provides 2 meals a day 

Financial Aid

  • For travel costs of handicapped and other deserving HT victims 
  • Emergency aid for victims injured when escaping from cyberscams compounds (e.g. jumping off from the third level) or rape victims (one carried to term while still trapped)
  • Legal aid to help negotiate with the immigration office of Cambodia to provide visa extension for HT victims who are continually fined for overstaying


Law enforcement everywhere is simply overwhelmed and overmatched. Outside China, none of the principal beneficiaries of SEA scams and HT have been prosecuted, and no victim have been made whole. The current state of affairs is unacceptable continuing indefinitely. 

Group case consolidation

  • Victims of same scam company are highly dispersed worldwide. We group them together and show to law enforcement. It has been done.
  • Police generally do not / cannot investigate "small" cases
  • Database management and security

Cryptocurrency tracing & freezing 

  • Law enforcement do not have enough personnel trained to trace for every crypto case, while lawyers & private investigators are not affordable, scalable and appropriate for a societal problem.
  • Incoming reports to GASO will be traced by volunteer certified crypto investigators, who will immediately alert law enforcement for immediate freezing orders, at no cost to victims, except for a copy of a report.
  • We have hotlines to FBI field offices, Secret Service, Dept of Homeland Security, California prosecutor Erin West, the CIB in Taiwan, CAD in Singapore, police in mainland China, and 2 major cryptocurrency exchanges.
  • Cryptocurrency tracing tools have monthly costs (~$1,000/mo.)

Digital forensics

  • Typing scam websites and apps
  • Monitoring for changes and their suspected scam IT developers in Chinese

Scam compound entity research

  • Research company registries, public documents and other open sources in Chinese, English and other languages
  • Narrowed the search for law enforcement by "connecting the dots" between scam compound operators/owners and online fraud cases.

Intelligence Gathering

  • Properly documenting criminal evidence from HT victims of SEA scam companies
  • Cultivating industry insiders informants and monitoring public chats
  • Scam baiting - Because most victims do not have complete evidence, post facto data by scam-baiting team can complete the chain of evidence. This also uncovers new tactics, tricks, websites, bank accounts, cryptocurrency addresses for fraud.

So far GASO has been getting by being self-funded and run by volunteers and victimsGASO, registered under Neosultancy Inc (EIN 88-1052652), is 501(c)(3) non-profit public charity and all donations are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. If you find GASO's work valuable, please help sustain our momentum

GASO, registered under Neosultancy Inc (EIN 88-1052652), is 501(c)(3) non-profit public charity and all donations are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.

Donor Wall91

Anonymous | $200

加油,繼續努力幫助別人 May the god be with you

Anonymous | $13.98


Ronald | $52.32

Ho Kwong | $25/M

Appreciate GASO's work and fxxk scammers!

DZY DONG | $52.23


robert d | $26.41

Thank you for being faster than the FBI!! Hoping the best for the work you do for all victims involved.

DZY | $52.23

我以引我入虛擬加密貨幣投資黑網(的網友帳號名字縮寫捐款,希望他平安回頭,安全上岸,一生安康,就不枉我與他相識一場。與他聊天四個多月,我相信他的內心有盞良善的燈,祈願他護住此燈,永不熄滅,常保希望。 感謝 BBC NEWS 報導殺豬盤詐騙,我是看到這個報導才得知GASO的。感謝有您們的努力。功德無量。辛苦了。

VCJL | $52.23

我是看到 BBC NEWS 報導殺豬盤詐騙才得知GASO的。我是想投資虛擬加密貨幣,才被網友引入虛擬加密貨幣投資網站(。感謝有您們的努力。辛苦了。


我想以一個正在被詐騙集團限制自由的人 以他的名義捐款 希望他早日逃離那個恐怖的地獄 他的名字是劉天文


詐騙的人很有問題 但有時被騙的人也很有問題!只要頭腦清楚、最重要不貪心,不貪便宜,很難被騙!有時候被騙的人也應該學會自省一下 。比如一個又帥又多金或外型亮麗的富家女為什麼會喜歡自己?對自己有沒有正確認識。生活沒有近路,只有自己多行善積德,努力工作,認識到造物主上帝才能鎮長改變自己。

Anonymous | $25

Thank you for devoting time and effort to help those marginalized in society

Anson | $28.35

平常遇到騙子都會反詐一筆,怎知最近這次被識破了。原以為結束,給了對方一句問候,她竟跟我說實話,講述了自身狀況。一開始求我幫她點業績讓她在那邊好過點,並承諾我匯過去的錢都一定會要的回來。我想著反正不是什麼大錢當做善事,她沒騙我,反而讓我賺了一點。之後就跟我說不想騙我,叫我不要再跟她聯絡了。 這次捐款是從詐騙集團賺來的錢,衷心希望那女孩能盡早順利平安回家。

Tam Tran | $25

We fight together. We heal together. Thanks for being there. It’s helping with the healing process.

Tam | $50

Fate is by chance, also by choice. The black swain is inevitable. I love the sentence of the century “ There is no one who cannot be deceived, only the scripts do not fit”. I chose to forgive. That’s a part of my healing process. I’m very sorry for what happened to lots of us here. The pain is so surreal. Wish we will all heal eventually.

coolfish | $100


柏春 | $25

thanks for you guys, it is not easy work but hope my little money can do some help.

Candy Xie | $25

Yingzhi Zhang | $20



Thanks a lot for your hard work, this is not easy but now the victims have some useful resources

振峰 黃 | $52.32


Anonymous | $208

Thank you for your dedication. Please take care and be safe. May God bless and protect you all.



Yu Wai Man | $21.08

Anonymous | $519.52



Great cause, keep safe!

DT | $519.52

Your helping hand will reduce + stop crime and scam toward our love one. Great work what you do!!! Please save lives from shadow

Anonymous | $52.23

I have almost been scammed once. I finally realised it right before they asked me to transfer my money. With great empathy to the victims and appreciation of what GASO does, I want to help fighting the fraud.

Anonymous | $100


銀色大門事業有限公司 | $52.32



Came here from watching the BBC documentary on pig butchering. Truly inspiring how you have taken an otherwise traumatic and crippling experience as a driving force to create change in this world. Keep doing what you're doing. Thankful for heroes like you in the world.