Help GASO Fight the Fraud Factories in Southeast Asia






Cybercrime is NOW a multi-billion dollar industry in Southeast Asia (SEA), ruining tens of thousands of lives around the world. With powerful backers and protected havens in SEA, the 'fraud factories' there have spawned a secondary industry of human trafficking (HT) to feed their labor-intensive criminal enterprises. 

Supercharge our mission against the multi-billion dollar SEA cybercrime syndicates!

Funds will be used for prevention, protection and prosecution. Empower GASO to better defend forward --to seek out, learn, report, and disrupt the SEA cybercrime industry.


Awareness of developments in cyber scams in Asia and how human trafficking is affecting YOUR online experience is still low, due to language barrier, embarrassment of victims, ignored reports

Driving public awareness

  • Website, social media, and media
  • Interviewing victims, researching, translating for GASO's reporting
  • Social media campaigns to include English
  • Expose latest online scams and job scams leading to HT to scams companies
  • Helping news media to penetrate more of the SEA cybercrime industry

Fraud site blacklist 

  • Updating and verifying each entry of GASO's web-searchable list of the latest reported fraud sites. It is now at 14,000+ fraud sites, with 10-30 added daily.

Live Chat

  • To keep up with increasing queries from scam victims, HT victims and media (already at 8 - 12 reporters a week)
  • In more than a dozen instances their direct intervention has prevented victims from sending millions of dollars to fraudsters


  • Needed more for website articles, social media, news, and for human trafficking rescuers on the ground.


For protecting the physical lives of HT victims enslaved by SEA cybercrime syndicates.

GASO volunteer rescuers:

  • Verify the sincerity and authenticity of a scam company worker asking for help
  • Find, relay messages, and connect HT victims with their families so that their families can report their kidnapping
  • Liaise with authorities, embassies of HT victims and local partners
  • Strategize plans and ideas for exfiltration from guarded compounds
  • Resist ransom demands and extortion; work with informants
  • Properly document to ensure court-admissibility of any findings
  • One rescue operation typically take ~2 weeks of interviewing, verifying, assessing, and planning, not counting police or embassy response times and final debriefing.

Temporary safehouse in Cambodia

  • For approximately 35 HT victims. 
  • Victims who cannot afford to fly home yet can stay there
  • Provides 2 meals a day 

Financial Aid

  • For travel costs of handicapped and other deserving HT victims 
  • Emergency aid for victims injured when escaping from cyberscams compounds (e.g. jumping off from the third level) or rape victims (one carried to term while still trapped)
  • Legal aid to help negotiate with the immigration office of Cambodia to provide visa extension for HT victims who are continually fined for overstaying


Law enforcement everywhere is simply overwhelmed and overmatched. Outside China, none of the principal beneficiaries of SEA scams and HT have been prosecuted, and no victim have been made whole. The current state of affairs is unacceptable continuing indefinitely. 

Group case consolidation

  • Victims of same scam company are highly dispersed worldwide. We group them together and show to law enforcement. It has been done.
  • Police generally do not / cannot investigate "small" cases
  • Database management and security

Cryptocurrency tracing & freezing 

  • Law enforcement do not have enough personnel trained to trace for every crypto case, while lawyers & private investigators are not affordable, scalable and appropriate for a societal problem.
  • Incoming reports to GASO will be traced by volunteer certified crypto investigators, who will immediately alert law enforcement for immediate freezing orders, at no cost to victims, except for a copy of a report.
  • We have hotlines to FBI field offices, Secret Service, Dept of Homeland Security, California prosecutor Erin West, the CIB in Taiwan, CAD in Singapore, police in mainland China, and 2 major cryptocurrency exchanges.
  • Cryptocurrency tracing tools have monthly costs (~$1,000/mo.)

Digital forensics

  • Typing scam websites and apps
  • Monitoring for changes and their suspected scam IT developers in Chinese

Scam compound entity research

  • Research company registries, public documents and other open sources in Chinese, English and other languages
  • Narrowed the search for law enforcement by "connecting the dots" between scam compound operators/owners and online fraud cases.

Intelligence Gathering

  • Properly documenting criminal evidence from HT victims of SEA scam companies
  • Cultivating industry insiders informants and monitoring public chats
  • Scam baiting - Because most victims do not have complete evidence, post facto data by scam-baiting team can complete the chain of evidence. This also uncovers new tactics, tricks, websites, bank accounts, cryptocurrency addresses for fraud.

So far GASO has been getting by being self-funded and run by volunteers and victimsGASO, registered under Neosultancy Inc (EIN 88-1052652), is 501(c)(3) non-profit public charity and all donations are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. If you find GASO's work valuable, please help sustain our momentum

GASO, registered under Neosultancy Inc (EIN 88-1052652), is 501(c)(3) non-profit public charity and all donations are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.

Donor Wall 96


淑娟 | 50 $

許 適名 | 26,34 $/M


Lulu | 100 $

My auntie is a pig-butchering victim, she lost a lot of money. And my case was even more complicated, I got almost human trafficked, but it was in the USA. I hope everyone be vigilant.

chang | 25 $


DZY | 52,37 $


Tsun Ning Yu | 21 $

I just got $21 USD from a scammer. They tried to bait me into putting more money into their pocket, but nope—not happening!

Girish | 200 $

It seems you are providing a very much needed service to victims.


Sammy加油 注意自身安全 By剛看到記者會的民眾

东豪 | 100 $

KASHING | 10 $

希望世界和平! 每個人都善良 誠信!希望全球人民團結友愛 共同建立健康的自由 民主的社會 !只有全世界真實新聞自由 才能讓光明照到每個黑暗 才能讓真相曝光!無論你信仰上帝 造物主 還是佛教、道教…任何 我相信都是希望我們每個人善良 用愛團結全世界 人類應該互愛!

Anonymous | 208,54 $

Iwas a victom of a scam. The worst thing is I cannot recover from my emotion! If I can received more information from social media, then the whole thing could be avoided. If I know what pshchology they are playing, then I could have saved myself. If there is a easy Q&A for scam to access, everything could be different. So I hope my donation can help more people and prevent them from being a victom like me!

David Clardy | 208,54 $

Wen | 400 $

Keep up your good work!

宇涵 廖



DZY | 52,37 $

一年前的今天,原本可以避開詐騙集團的我,卻因為腦霧發了一則訊息,而與詐騙集團再牽上線,接著被引入虛擬貨幣投資黑網。 所幸,我是用閒錢投入。但即使是用閒錢投入,從發現自己被騙到現在,已經九個月了,我依然每天想起自己的信任被欺騙的過程。 由此自身經歷,我能夠想像那些被騙去貸款進行投資的人,在發現被騙之後,該是如何的痛苦。 我用引我入投資詐騙黑網的帳號代稱與電郵,捐款給GASO,並希望他與其他詐騙者能早日回頭,平日上岸。 #IMUDZYEVD #01MARCH2024

Anonymous | 50 $


Silverback aircon spare parts


please continue your good work. Scammers getting more sophisticated. | 10 $

Yunfeng Guang | 10 $


DZY | 52,37 $

感謝 GASO 團隊的努力🙏 必然前世有情緣 須於今生心裡繫 活神明示緣盡庚 著實會面在庚戌

Christopher Morris | 26,34 $/M

Giving is so much better then taking

Teresa | 500 $

Thank you for helping me, I wish Gaso will be more developed in all over the world.

Yunfeng Guang | 25 $

Donation from :

Wen Shan | 50 $

it has been over two years now, I appreciate GASO helpline helped to me to identify it was a scam and also put me on a support group. I also admire the founder for setting up this to fight against this dark force.

DZY | 52,37 $

DZY是引我入加密貨幣投資黑網的人自稱的名字縮寫。 希望他安然度過每一個不平安的時刻。 必須活著,努力回頭,直到平安上岸。 #IMU

Anonymous | 50 $

Chris | 104,42 $

Iam so lucky to have found you; I felt completly isolated and alone and even knowing it was a scam, I was in such a state I was an inch a way from sending more money...just hearing the one voice or reason gave me the streght I needed to walk away and let go.