Cloud-Lines-Shows is an online virtual showing platform set up in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, and the near-global movement restrictions, which has forced the cancellation and postponement of many great shows. This platform is based on the tried and tested pedigree database platform, using the same industry-leading technology.
Any organisations, be they regional/county shows, livestock breed societies, specialist organisations, etc can register to use the platform and each organisation can host a variety of shows, at different times throughout the year. Each show can comprise many classes, and each class can have many entrants.
Show entrants are assigned to specific classes in each show, and are able upload their media (video/photo/text) to their own user-area within the platform. From this user area, the show entrant can share their videos with as many shows & classes as they are eligible for - Upload your video once, but use it many times!
Judges will be able to view video content for only the classes which they judge, and only for a defined time period.
In general, the final judging round will be during “show day”, where the video content will be more widely available - depending on organisation preference.