Project Fund
The Climate Crisis needs to be acted on fast. As a small team, we can fill a gap where needed and do so as quickly as possible, supported by the connections we’ve made among environmentalists and concerned individuals. Grassroots and independent, we present non-partisan facts, critique partisan actions, and are not afraid to get political.
Rather than crowdfund, project-to-project, we're building an ongoing budget to help us plan ahead. Your donations help us keep working towards a just, healthy, sustainable climate. For more information on our work, visit our website.
We are a small environmental organization run by Matt & Myrtle, student parents generating awareness about our climate crisis and helping grow a community that acts on it.
Climate Pledge Collective began with a Climate Action Pledge Sheet. Since then, we've helped organize Fridays For Future Toronto Youth Climate Strikes, run a successful climate crisis "ad" campaign, and have stood in solidarity with migrants, Indigenous communities, and others most impacted by climate breakdown.
Engaging with people through these actions and through our Climate Picnics has led us to understand the need for broader awareness and outreach. Our day-to-day work is geared toward fulfilling those needs. Our resource materials have been used by The UK Student Climate Network, Fridays For Future, Citizen's Climate Lobby (Southern Arizona), MobilizeTO, the Green Neighbours Network and others. Visit our youtube channel to check out some of our videos, and visit our website for other projects and outreach work.
What started as a few volunteer hours has grown into full-time unpaid work. Your contributions allow us to create informative social media posts, videos, campaigns and events. Join us in activating and supporting the collective!
*We are not a charitable organization and regret that we cannot issue tax receipts.
Donor Wall6
Pat | C$104.24/M
Thanks for today's BankSwitch presentation! Learned a lot from you and fellow participants!
Cassandra Pruett | C$100
Keep up the good work
Joseph Davede | C$104.26
Put this money towards getting the word out there about climate change and the effects that it will have on the future of humanity.
Anonymous | C$104.26/M
Anonymous | C$83.48