Bill Withers Memorial Statue Fund
Bill Withers Statue created by Pastor Frederick Hightower
The City of Beckley, in partnership with the Bill Withers Memorial Foundation, the Withers Family, the Beckley-Raleigh County Chamber of Commerce and Beckley Area Foundation (BAF) proudly announce a long overdue recognition and historical landmark to celebrate West Virginia’s biggest star, Bill Withers. A sculpture to commemorate this rock and roll hall of famer will be the focal point of downtown Beckley, on the soon to be named, “Bill Withers Plaza” and will celebrate Bill’s inspiration to our national community for years to come. Sculptor, Pastor Frederick Hightower, finished the clay model which will now be cast in bronze to complete the sculpture and ensure its longevity.
Donations to this fund will be used to pay for the sculpture. The statue is to be enlarged to 7 feet. The total cost will be done in three installments. Each installment costs $57,000 to complete. The remaining money will be used for installation, etc.
The following donation levels will receive special recognition:
● $10,000+ | Double Platinum Record Level
Your name / Organization / Etc. will be featured on a plaque and announced at the dedication; Recognized on all related social media accounts for the event; Receive a statement of recognition; Receive a signed memorial festival poster by the musicians and a numbered art print signed by the artist; Listed in newspaper ad.
● $5,000-$9,999 | Diamond Record Level
Your name / Organization / Etc. will be included on a plaque and announced at the dedication; Recognized on all related social media accounts for the event; Receive a statement of recognition; Receive a signed memorial festival poster by the musicians and a numbered art print signed by the artist; Listed in newspaper ad.
● $2,000-$4,999 | Platinum Record Level
Your name / Organization / Etc. will be included on sponsor signage and announced at the dedication; Recognized on all related social media accounts for the event; Receive a statement of recognition; Receive a signed memorial festival poster by the musicians and a numbered art print signed by the artist; Listed in newspaper ad.
● $1,000-$1,999 | Gold Record Level
Your name / Organization / Etc. will be included on sponsor signage and announced at the dedication; Recognized on all related social media accounts for the event; Receive a statement of recognition; Receive a signed memorial festival poster by the musicians and a numbered art print signed by the artist; Listed in newspaper ad.
● $500-$999 | Silver Record Level
Your name / Organization / Etc. will be included on sponsor signage and announced at the dedication; Recognized on all related social media accounts for the event; Receive a statement of recognition; Receive a signed memorial festival poster by the musicians and a numbered art print signed by the artist; Listed in newspaper ad.
● $250-$499 | Bronze Record Level
Name listed on social media and newspaper ad; Receive a poster and commemorative sticker.
● $100-$249 | Vinyl Record Level
Name listed in newspaper ad; Receive a commemorative sticker.
● $10-$99 | Friend
Receive a commemorative sticker.
Donor Wall48
Ruth Baker | $100
clark vaughan | $50
John Almond | $10.72
We Love Bill and are very proud of his fantastic contributions to Musical Heritage.
Rebecca Minear | $10.90
Kimber Wilkinson
Nelson Thurman | $52.37
Kenneth Lillard | $52.37
May the musical artistry of Bill Withers be long remembered!
Matthew | $311.36
Bill Withers Fest 23’
Bill Withers Memorial Foundation | $701
2022 Bill Withers Festival- Raffle & Donations
Andrea Bond | $52.32
Bill Withers is a musical legend. So happy to support this project!
Sarah Janney | $104.12
Trevor McKenzie | $52.32
Matthew Lugar | $519.52
Heather McDonald | $52.07
What a thoughtful way to honor a musical icon.
Brian & Melissa Massey | $500
Michelle Rotellini | $52.07
Chad Hutchinson | $207.35
Michelle Rotellini | $52.07