Chosei Zen (EIN 39-1612948) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and all donations are tax deductible.
Donor Wall
Daniel | $300
Dennis | $208.54
Thanking the staff and members of IZL, Bodhisattva's all!
Marie Lloyd | $104.42
I have profound gratitude for our daily online sittings.
Summerland Monastery inc. CAW
In honor of my teschers Joshu Susaki Roshi and Mary Farcus
Robert Markwardt
Joseph Pittelli | $480
For Silver Stars remittance
Marie Lloyd | $78.40
Deep gratitude for daily online sittings.
Esteban | $416.76
Dan Marson | $312.65
In recognition of the work of Spring Green Dojo, Chosei Zen Headquarters in Madison, and IZL.
In appreciation for those who serve as jiki so that we can sit in community.
Heather M Scobie
Patrick O’Sullivan | $100
Bill Robichaud | $100
Thank you, thank you for fall sesshin.
Marie Lloyd | $52.45
Gratitude for the October online zazenkai.
Anonymous Anonymous | $20
For 9/24/23 tea training
Marie | $52.23
Gassho for online zazen daily. So vital for me. A powerful community.
Marie | $52.32
Gassho for online sitting sangha
無 | $11.55
無 무 Mu
Marie Lloyd | $52.23/M
My Sanbo Kyoden (Philip Kapleau line) Roshi died years ago. No successor, very small zendo in Montreal. Your daily online sittings have revived me. Gassho. Marie Lloyd, Ontario Canada
Donor Wall 26
Daniel | $300
Dennis | $208.54
Thanking the staff and members of IZL, Bodhisattva's all!
Marie Lloyd | $104.42
I have profound gratitude for our daily online sittings.
Summerland Monastery inc. CAW
In honor of my teschers Joshu Susaki Roshi and Mary Farcus
Robert Markwardt
Joseph Pittelli | $480
For Silver Stars remittance
Marie Lloyd | $78.40
Deep gratitude for daily online sittings.
Esteban | $416.76
Dan Marson | $312.65
In recognition of the work of Spring Green Dojo, Chosei Zen Headquarters in Madison, and IZL.
In appreciation for those who serve as jiki so that we can sit in community.
Heather M Scobie
Patrick O’Sullivan | $100
Bill Robichaud | $100
Thank you, thank you for fall sesshin.
Marie Lloyd | $52.45
Gratitude for the October online zazenkai.
Anonymous Anonymous | $20
For 9/24/23 tea training
Marie | $52.23
Gassho for online zazen daily. So vital for me. A powerful community.
Marie | $52.32
Gassho for online sitting sangha
無 | $11.55
無 무 Mu
Marie Lloyd | $52.23/M
My Sanbo Kyoden (Philip Kapleau line) Roshi died years ago. No successor, very small zendo in Montreal. Your daily online sittings have revived me. Gassho. Marie Lloyd, Ontario Canada
Heather Scobie
Sloane Dell'Orto | $25
David Foster | $200
Bryan Dahlstrom | $100
Jacob Booth | $60
Heather M Scobie
Glad to support with a recurring donation