Charlie's Fund






Charlie's Fund from Safe Harbor Sanctuary is an owner-assistance program for horse owners in middle Tennessee and southern Kentucky. 

Charlie's Fund provides assistance with the costs of essential veterinary care including castration, humane euthanasia, and emergencies, in the form of "micro-grants" of $250. 

Owners must complete an application ( and explain their need for assistance. Once approved, Safe Harbor contacts the veterinarian of record or assists with connecting an equine veterinarian with the owner. The owner sets the appointment and Safe Harbor pays the bill. Simple as that. 

It is our hope that by castrating stallions and assisting with end of life costs for those of medical necessity, we can help in reducing the number of "unwanted" horses in our area. 

We appreciate any gift of any amount, but are most grateful for sustaining donors who are able to give on a weekly, monthly or quarterly basis.

Safe Harbor Sanctuary is a 100% volunteer, 501(c)3 Tennessee non-profit, FEIN #46-3564050.