Coburg Community Charter School

Like most public charter schools in Oregon, CCCS receives only 80% of the state funding provided to regular public schools. Despite this shortfall, we deliver an unparalleled educational experience to our students by retaining the best teachers, creatively operating our facilities, and managing our budget. The work of the PCS Parent Club to sponsor fundraisers throughout the year is also essential to our efforts to do more with less.

In short, we are very proud of the outstanding educational value we provide CCCS students and their families. 

Yet, we want to do even more for CCCS students.  For example, over the next few years we need to: purchase a new English Language Arts curriculum; refresh our technology infrastructure to continue offering all students and teachers their own Chromebook for learning and testing; and, invest in updating our building and school grounds. Like all public institutions in Oregon, we also face the financial burden of absorbing our portion of the projected $25 billion unfunded liability in the Public Employees Retirement System (PERS).

We are asking you to help us meet these challenges and further enhance our educational offerings through tax-deductible financial support. Every amount helps and we have established a variety of giving options that can be deducted monthly or as a one-time gift.

Coburg Community Charter School (CCCS) is a public charter school located in the town of Coburg, OR.  We offer a small, community based, rural schooling option for families interested in small class sizes and community based learning.  We operate under a charter agreement with our sponsoring school district, Eugene 4j.  CCCS is an independent, non-profit corporation with our own governing board of directors, staff and budget.

Coburg Community Charter School is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and contributions may be tax-deductible. Our EIN is 20-3435655. No goods, services, or direct benefits are provided in exchange for contributions.