CatSpring Ag Works Boot Bank!

Over the last ten years with CatSpring Yaupon, we’ve seen firsthand the challenges that individuals in our rural community have to overcome to work for us. 

A few years ago, we noticed that John (name changed) who had been with us for a year and a half, was working hard in the fields every day.  He made a living wage (double minimum wage, by the way) with CatSpring but every paycheck he was struggling to pay utilities, his children’s health needs, and the other surprise costs of life. 

As a result - he was showing up every day to work in well worn tennis shoes. 

Spend any time in the country and in the fields, and you know how important a good pair of work boots and work pants are. John would never have the $200 necessary to buy these, instead buying the $20 pair from Walmart which need to be replaced every few months. 

This is not a unique problem to us – check out Terry Pratchett’s boot theory! 


We all know the deck is stacked against individuals who are trying to work their way out of generational poverty.  Outside support IS needed, but not by financially incentivizing our workers to stay home. 

We want to be a catalyst for those who are working hard, and remove some of these barriers. While there are many areas that need help, we started with what we see every day.  The need for some good work boots!! 


We launched the CatSpring Ag Works, and our first project has been a BOOT BANK. And we've given dozens of pairs of boots to agricultural workers in our region for the last two years. 


We're starting with work boots for harvest employees and other agricultural workers in our community. Then work wear. Then we'll see where else we can be a catalyst for our rural workforce.