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Thank you for sharing the faith and opening my eyes to events that I would otherwise be unaware of.
Anonymous | $26.27
After being raised in a cult and then being a “homeless” Christian for 18 years, the Lord has welcomed me home to His Holy Catholic Church. Thank you for helping me learn and grow!
Anonymous | $5.50
Jorge | $26.27
Anonymous | $26.27
My father who prayed the rosary daily and kept the faith.
May she be in heaven
Brother Robert McLernon | $26.27/M
Praying for the unborn, for our Jewish brothers & sisters at this time, for Israel and for all Christians being persecuted for their faith
Praise be to the Almighty Father in union with the Holy Spirit and in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour!
Kevin A. Mack
Wonderful father example of understanding and true selfless love
Christine DiPalma | $26.27
Thank you for you wonderful and free Adult program
david | $104.15
Christine | $26.27
Dear Mom, I and my family miss you every day. I know you are in heaven with our Lord. Rest in Peace. I Love You!
Marieann | $26.27
I hope you sue shopify for infringing on your free speech, what a despicable company.
Gerald Grispart
Anonymous | $55
Mary | $26.27
Sorry you were deplatformed by Shopify. Hopefully you get enough donations to keep up the good work!
Please remove the link to wikipedia (continue reading about St. Sebastian) at the bottom of the page for this saint. A few examples why: " the protagonist Kochan has his first gay sexual experience while looking at a reproduction of Guido Reni's Saint Sebastian", "Damien Hirst presented Saint Sebastian, Exquisite Pain from his Natural History series. The piece depicts a cow in formaldehyde, bound in metal cable and shot with arrows", and "Contemporary gay men have seen in Sebastian at once a stunning advertisement for homosexual desire (indeed, a homoerotic ideal), and a prototypical portrait of tortured closet case." It is a disgusting travesty to dishonor this Saint in such a way!
Donor Wall493
Anonymous | $57.42
God bless your work
Katrina White | $5.50
Des | $104.15
Thank you for sharing the faith and opening my eyes to events that I would otherwise be unaware of.
Anonymous | $26.27
After being raised in a cult and then being a “homeless” Christian for 18 years, the Lord has welcomed me home to His Holy Catholic Church. Thank you for helping me learn and grow!
Anonymous | $5.50
Jorge | $26.27
Anonymous | $26.27
My father who prayed the rosary daily and kept the faith.
May she be in heaven
Brother Robert McLernon | $26.27/M
Praying for the unborn, for our Jewish brothers & sisters at this time, for Israel and for all Christians being persecuted for their faith
Praise be to the Almighty Father in union with the Holy Spirit and in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour!
Kevin A. Mack
Wonderful father example of understanding and true selfless love
Christine DiPalma | $26.27
Thank you for you wonderful and free Adult program
david | $104.15
Christine | $26.27
Dear Mom, I and my family miss you every day. I know you are in heaven with our Lord. Rest in Peace. I Love You!
Marieann | $26.27
I hope you sue shopify for infringing on your free speech, what a despicable company.
Gerald Grispart
Anonymous | $55
Mary | $26.27
Sorry you were deplatformed by Shopify. Hopefully you get enough donations to keep up the good work!
Please remove the link to wikipedia (continue reading about St. Sebastian) at the bottom of the page for this saint. A few examples why: " the protagonist Kochan has his first gay sexual experience while looking at a reproduction of Guido Reni's Saint Sebastian", "Damien Hirst presented Saint Sebastian, Exquisite Pain from his Natural History series. The piece depicts a cow in formaldehyde, bound in metal cable and shot with arrows", and "Contemporary gay men have seen in Sebastian at once a stunning advertisement for homosexual desire (indeed, a homoerotic ideal), and a prototypical portrait of tortured closet case." It is a disgusting travesty to dishonor this Saint in such a way!
Cole Mason | $10.70
Thank you!
Addile Martin | $104.15
James Griffin | $104.15