Welcome to the Pay it Forward
Confirmation Campaign
With just $25, you can ensure Catholic Online School's Confirmation course remains Free for 5 more students!
Catholic Online School is the world's single largest school committed to FREE, faithful, Catholic education.
Students now have access to more than 7,000 video-based lessons our Catholic faith.
One of our most popular programs is our Confirmation with 'Certificate of Completion' course. This course has 32 lessons that teach about the most important truths about our faith.
Each year, thousands of our students strengthen their faith with this course so they can walk in Communion with you and all Catholics around the world.
While this course is Free to complete, it is costly to produce and host. To continue offering this faithful resource, we need your help.
Your donation will ensure that five more students can complete the Confirmation course and receive their Certificates of Completion.
By supporting this course, you are contributing to the growth of our Church, and helping more people to embrace the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Your generosity can make a profound difference in someone's spiritual journey.
Please make your donation of $25 today. Your support is crucial.
We are Sincerely Yours in Christ,
Catholic Online School

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Karen Misorek | $57.42
For my Goddaughters who are away from the church and/or haven’t been confirmed