Cash Is Freedom Ad Campaign






What is a CBDC?

Central Bank Digital Currency is programmable digital money, which will be fully monitored, and can be controlled and restricted in any number of ways.

CBDC will mean the end of privacy, freedom and autonomy for everyone, and total reliance on the whims of the political wind of the day. 

There is no valid reason to bring it in, other than total control over everyone’s finances, and should be resisted by everyone who values freedom.

Why is CBDC different from what we have already?

Although you might pay electronically now with your card or phone, you currently have full control over what, where, when, how and who you spend your money with, and you also have the option of going to a branch or ATM and withdrawing cash which is fully private and flexible.

Privacy – CBDC’s are blockchain technology – a digital ledger of every single transaction, recorded permanently. Anyone with access, at any time in the future, will be able to look at everything you have bought and sold, every bill and tax you’ve paid or not, and use anything they find against you.

Savings – Money with an expiry date means you will never be able to save and create financial stability for yourself or your family. Everyone will be living hand-to-mouth and not able to plan anything.

Freedom – Programmable money means banks will be able to limit where and when you can spend, as well as what items you can buy. It could easily be linked to a personal carbon allowance, allowing you only so much fuel or meat each month. Your wallet could be frozen, or limited to how far from your registered address you can use it.

What can I do to help stop it?

1. Always use cash

Use bank branches/ATM’s to withdraw cash for the day/week, then spend that everywhere. Keep your card/phone in your pocket.

Paying with cash all the time keeps the infrastructure and jobs in place to service it – bank cashiers, ATM’s, ATM build and maintenance, cash tills and transport, security guards, and everyone involved in producing, transporting and dealing with cash. Once this is gone it won’t be coming back, so keep it alive and give them no excuse to go ‘all-digital’.

2. Help the campaign

In the download section on our website is artwork for flyers, posters, banners, stickers etc. for you to print off and use locally, or you can request some from us. Set up a stall on the high street, hand out flyers, and ask local businesses to display posters. Most people grasp very quickly what a cashless society and programmable currency will mean for their freedom, so it is worth talking about it with everyone to help raise awareness, and push back by using cash as often as possible.

3. Donate to the Ad Campaign

Advertising is expensive, because it is extremely effective. No doubt banks will have huge budgets to try and persuade (lie to) the public why programmable digital money will be a good thing – safe, convenient, etc., so we are aiming to raise as much as we can to put our message on billboards, bus shelters, buses, and screens across the nation. Every pound is openly accounted for on our Fundraising page. If you can’t donate funds then please donate some time to help get the word out – share our flyers and talk about the cashisfreedom campaign.

Where the funds will go

If we can raise £10,000, we will be able to hire the huge billboard at the junction of the M6/M5 for 5 days, plus print hundreds of banners for shops and businesses to display for much longer.

If everyone who reads this will give £5, £10, or even £100 if you can afford it, we will reach this target easily.

All funds will be fully accounted for in public.

Please let us have your input at

Thank you for your time; please share our campaign if you think it's important.


steve | £100