Caring For Emily Lola Tan

Letter from the "Caring for Emily Lola Tan" team (Updated as of Aug 31, 2020)

Hi there!

For all the latest updates from Emily, hop on to "Caring for Emily Lola Tan"'s FB Group at this link:-
Caring for Emily Lola Tan Facebook Group

1. The transplant has happened!

2. Emily's personal diary during the transplant
3. "I'm Alive" Post after checking out from hospital post-transplant

4. August 27, 2020 Update

If you are reading this right now, chances are, you're looking for a way to help Emily, in the best way that you can.

And you will be, with us, as we're aiming to minimize her worries as much as possible so she can focus on recovering from the senseless, awful disease that she has been stricken with. How can one focus on recovering when they're worried about everything else?

With many of her friends all over the world giving support (that includes you!), the support system is fully in place and is the least of our worries.

Money is our primary and BIGGEST worry because it could hinder her chances of a speedy and complete recovery.

Right now, her personal funds (including a large token raised early in 2018 by her close friends) to pay her monthly fixed living expenses only lasted several months in Hong Kong. And it doesn't include money needed to pay for expenses that aren't covered by her insurance program, like additional tests, hospital meals, dermatologist treatments, psychologists and non-covered medication to recover from the chemo therapy's side effects, etc.

Since returning to Malaysia in January 2020, expenses have been incurring as she had been referred to see an oncologist in Singapore.  That means traveling costs, crowd exposure and bearing a higher cost of living in Singapore.  Hence, she is doing what she can to mitigate the time needed to spend in Singapore.  Despite having a lower cost of living in Malaysia, the lack of insurance coverage here poses a legitimate concern.  In case you are wondering why, Emily no longer qualifies to apply for health insurance in Malaysia since the cancer diagnosis. On top of the fear of medical complications and the lack of specialized AML care, she also no longer has a family home to reside in her hometown.  After being away from Malaysia for 7 years, she has located a safe & hygienic neighborhood to reside in and currently trying to transition to a new life/career in order to live independently again after this cancer thing. 

Post marrow transplant, she is trying fighting hard with Graft Versus Host Disease (GVHD Click here for more info). The only way her doctors are able to monitor her conditions is by frequent blood tests, scans, and bone marrow aspirations for the years to come.  The looming uncertainty of when her funds will run out is eating into everyone's mind, so we are running a contribution drive to make it possible for donors to conveniently contribute a fixed amount monthly to help cover her living expenses & the medical expenses that aren't covered by her insurance.


If 1,000 people contribute just USD$10 each month, that's a good USD$10,000 to alleviate her MONEY WORRIES. Knowing money is coming in consistently every month will make a difference, and give her the mental & emotional strength to fight. Any overflow of funds will go into supplemental medical treatments (if there's any) that could increase her chances of beating leukemia. 


Every little bit counts. Contribute what you can until she can get back on her own two feet & start working again. Uncertainty with the  whole COVID-19 pandemic and failing to transition to life after cancer where Emily is unable to go back 100% in her previous line of work due to risk of exposure (weak immune system), we're looking at a timeline between December 2020 to December 2021 when funding is no longer necessary with hopes that she is able support herself independently. For this cause, we have enlisted DonorBox and Stripe services whereby you can automatically send in your contributions using your credit card on a monthly basis. The moment donation is received, it will be transferred automatically to her bank account in HK.

We will provide updates of her road to recovery and the collection amount every month-end on Facebook Group - once we have collected enough to sustain her for her monthly/medical expenses during & post-treatment (to the point where you can see cheerful Emily working again to support herself), we will terminate all recurring donation payments as we only need enough, not more.


As her precarious living is a barrier for permanent employment and regularly scheduled coaching commitments, Emily is resorting to virtual coaching.  Given our current pandemic situation, it will take a longer time for her to be able to reintegrate safely as we have global uncertainties about the lingering effect of COVID-19 for immuno-compromised patients like Emily.  When she has the energy, she is doing her best to offer free live workout sessions on Instagram in hopes to keep others spirits up during a lockdown.  She understands first hand the psychological effects people may suffer from isolation and hopes that her story may help others get through tough times.  Your funding support will be a bonus to her intentions.

Also while you're on the recurring donation program, rest assured that you make changes to your donation settings via Donorbox's services.

Thank you sincerely for doing what you can to help Emily. 

For further inquiries, please write to
Note that all donations at the moment are received in US Dollars.
More info about Emily's reintegration to living and fund details at Frequently Asked Questions
Caring for Emily Lola Tan Facebook Group