1.476 €
3.000 €
I'm running for election in Kerry and I need your help.
The Green Party and its candidates do not to accept corporate donations, so we're not beholden to big business.
However, this makes running a campaign is financially challenging. If you can contribute as an individual, I'd be most grateful. No amount is too small but the maximum I'm receiving is €500. Please note the rules below.
Important laws around political donations:
- I can only accept donations from Irish residents or Irish citizens living abroad.
- I cannot accept more than €1,000 from the same person in a calendar year.
- I cannot accept an anonymous donation of more than €100. DonorBox donations aren't anonymous, and I may need to contact you to confirm that your donation complies with Standards In Public Office regulations.
By donating, you confirm that you are an Irish resident or an Irish citizen living abroad and that you have not exceeded the maximum permissible donation of €2,500 to the Green Party this year. If I'm unsure, I will have to get in touch with you or return the donation.
Donor Wall 4
Eva | €100
Hazel | €50
No better woman!
Peadar O Fionnain | €386
Ita Ryan | €50