Common Sense Party

Thank you for making a contribution to the Common Sense Party, the first and only party dedicated to representing independent-minded common sense voters.

Your support will help jumpstart a responsible, open, and inclusive party, support reform and provide competition to California’s political monopoly.


Until the Common Sense Party is officially recognized, records of contributions are not maintained by the Federal Election Commission or the California Fair Political Practices Commission. Instead, contributions are listed by the IRS in filings made for what are called "section 527 organizations," the category that applies to a political organization seeking to become a party and entities that assist such organizations. The list of donors names, contribution amounts, and contribution dates is available at the IRS website, Click on form 8872, and put in "Common Sense Party," and "Independent Alliance for California," for any year you wish to check.

To assist transparency, here are the donors for 2023, up to June 28:
CSP - Contributions as of June 28 2023.pdf

Paid for by the Independent Alliance for California (IAC), a 527 political organization. Donations are not tax deductible.