Support the Cabot Trail Writers Festival!

It is the goal of the Cabot Trail Writers Festival to bring exciting, inspiring and community-building literary programming to our island, while making the festival as accessible as we can, with affordable ticket prices, free events at every festival, and sponsored in-school workshops for Cape Breton students ... despite the high and rising costs of bringing authors from elsewhere to this beautiful corner of the world.

Your donations help us continue to grow the festival, increase the quality and calibre of our programming, reach new audiences, build our sustainability, and ensure the Cabot Trail Writers Festival is as accessible as possible to anyone who wants to gather with our audience and together share in the power and joy of the written word. 

Pleae note that we are not yet a registered charity, and unfortunately are therefore not able to issue an official tax receipt at this time. Every dollar makes a difference. Thank you for your generosity; we are honoured by your support.

The Cabot Trail Writers Festival Society is a registered Not-For-Profit Society but we do not yet have charitable status and therefore are not able to issue a tax receipt at this time.