Support Burger for Congress
Harry R. Burger needs your help to run for Congress! The Big Two parties get lots of money from billionaires and corporations, but the Green Party says no to them, so we only represent the interests of the American People. That means your donations need to give us enough to advertise and get our message out to the voters, to say to the Democrat AND Republican parties, "A pox on both your houses!"
Since before anyone alive can remember, government controlled by the Big Two parties has passed laws that benefit their true masters (the super wealthy, big corporate donors, the military-industrial complex) while leaving you holding the bag, while they give you lip service and blast you with propaganda ads to manufacture consent and keep their positions.
I'm standing up for head-to-toe universal healthcare, the Ecosocialist Green New Deal, and reducing military spending by 50% over the next 5 years to help pay for it. We need to spend less on police with guns beating people up, shooting or arresting them, instead invest in people to help fix problems, like getting people mental health or substance abuse counseling, housing assistance, food help, or solutions to what their real needs are instead of punishing people for being poor.
Treating mental, dental, and vision as separate from "medical" is an artificial distinction solely for the benefit of the wealthy. They are all part of your body, they should be covered by the same community owned national healthcare system. If "Medicare for All" is the best I can get the rest of Congress on board with I won't let the perfect be the enemy of the good, but it can't be another giveaway to the billionaires in disguise - Big Insurance & Big Pharma have been extorting the American People for far too long, they need to take a loss here.
Most of our costs are related to printing and creating promotional items, like face masks & buttons. We need to get the word out that another choice is available, and instead of the lesser of two evils, this one is a man who will stand up and truly protect the People, with little regard for corporate profits. Any American can contribute funds or volunteer to help our campaign!
Twitter @HarryRBurger
Facebook @Burger4Congress
Technical details and disclaimer: Contributions are not tax-deductible. Only individual citizens of the United States of America, not corporations, partnerships or other entities or foreign nationals, are allowed to contribute, and there is a maximum total of $2,800 per donor per candidate per election cycle.
Donor Wall9
John Whitford | $30
Go throw a couple of lawn signs, outside a polling place.
Carol S Przybylak | $21.29
Candace Carponter | $25
Good luck!
cynthia slate | $26.27/M
Gloria Purcell | $30/W
Justin Swanhart
Change the EC and work toward fair voting methods.
Michael Kleppinger
Harry- your commitment to principle and issues throughout the years is commendable. So excited that you are stepping up to continue making a difference!
Roger Snyder
It is important to help get Greens on the ballot and provide real choice in elections.