Buddha-Dhamma-Sangha Land Pilgrimage
Instituto Tathagata is promoting Pali Language and Budhha-Dhamma-Sangha Land Pilgrimage for old Vipassana students to inspire and reeinforce their meditation practice as taught by S.N. Goenka.
We have done it every year for the last 5 years.
For Pali Workshop there is not charge.
For Buddha-Dhamma-Sangh Pilgrimages we ask old students to cover their flights and to cover the basics:
Transport, food expenses, accomodation and monuments entrance fees.
To cover the basics we charge:
India - Nepal (~4 semanas / ~3000km): 1145 US$
India - Myanmar (~2 semanas / ~2000km): 1290 USD
India - Sri Lanka (~2 semanas / ~1300km): 1290 USD
Flight expenses and basics expenses for the guider and two Pilgrimage Grant for those students deeply involved with the service of Dhamma with prerequisit for a long course, and he orshe is not capable to pay full pilgrimage budget, it could be fulfil by DANA (donation)
Flight and basic expenses for the guider: ~1750 USD
One assistant guider: ~1250 USD
Two Pilgrimage Grant: ~3000 USD