Be the Change Free Medical and Dental Care
Imagine only making $2.85 per day.
You worked the farm all day in the hot sun and you come home to find one of your 6 children is sick. A doctors visit would cost $15.69 and $12.27 for antibiotics. Want your kids to brush their teeth? Toothpaste costs more than half your days wage..
These are the realities our patients face daily according to Be the Change's partners at the Philippine's Department of Health. Be the Change provides free medical and dental care to communities with limited access to healthcare.
All donations are eligible for 100% tax deduction.Your monetary donation will help to cover the cost of the medical supplies and medications on this and future trips. Any other costs of the trip (lodging, meals, ground transportation, etc.) are 100% paid by the volunteers and will not be subsidized from any donations received.
However, donors may choose to donate to our Scholarship Fund, which financially enables passionate volunteers who do not have means to fund their own trip. You are able to direct your donation to the desired Fund.Thank you so much for your support!