Brooklyn Opera House Restoration






A new nonprofit group, Brooklyn CommunitynDevelopment, has taken on the task of turning the Brooklyn Opera House into a 250-seat landmark facility. Restoring the Brooklyn Opera House means:

• More flex space for community functions

• More traffic for local businesses and restaurants

• Tax benefits and economic growth

• A stronger outlook for Brooklyn’s future

Brooklyn Community Development is an Iowa nonprofit corporation pursuant to Chapter 504 of the Code of Iowa. The Organization’s primary activities will be renovation and operation of The Brooklyn Opera House and operation of the Michael J. Manatt Community Center. Brooklyn Community Development will serve to encourage economic development, and promote the arts and the social welfare of the community it serves.

Donor Wall106

mark hubing | $22.12


Lisa DeSouza | $22.12

Bob and Marlene Toney

Long time Brooklyn business owners of Toney's Locker Service

Diane Davidson | $21

scott | $22.12

Cindy Cloyed | $22.12

Nicole Spensley

Ben Mowrey | $100

I remember in my youth of going to movies in this theater -- perhaps today's generation will be doing the same someday.

Diana Orth

Happy Birthday Mollie! 🎂🎈 From the Orth’s

Lisa | $22.12

Marilyn | $21

jane Beres | $21

MacKenzie Cleveland | $22.12

Don King

Bill & Carol Pollak

New Iowans we are pleased to help keep Brooklyn vibrant and to preserve its treasured Opera House.